I believe in strengthening families to promote good health and wealth in Children and Young People. Creating a ‘happy home’ is an important aspect of my career, to be part of the development of confident and successful young people and families.
Currently, my work is dedicated to safeguarding and welfare. I work with a range of agencies to address the common issues that create long term hardships to livelihoods. The
outcomes for the young people and families I support are very important to me. I work
with young people directly impacted by a range of issues including domestic violence,
homelessness, alcohol and drug misuse, mental health, poverty and other traumatic experiences.
For successful interventions with young people, you must be accepting that you are not
an expert. With diversity comes differences. I understand that complex needs are not straightforward and I enjoy putting actions in place to promote their educational, environmental and social development. My biggest achievement to date is a “thank you” from a
young person.
I am constantly seeking new educational opportunities that will support me to enhance
my skills, in order to change the lives of the families I support. Each day I aim to improve
the long term outcomes for young people. My degree in Youth and Community Work has
taught me to push for equity for the voiceless, and to understand what it means to push
my own biases aside. This has helped me learn how to create opportunities for people to
find their way through difficult life events which can make or break a person.
My most recent training has involved parental conflict and ways to encourage parents to
find alternative ways to communicate their views effectively. My biggest take from this
was how I recognised how easily I myself can be selfish in my personal life. As people we
must try to always learn.
People relate to transparency, and my alter ego is translucent!
What is the importance of Education? I believe that education is about changing the way
we view ourselves and others. I believe that education is about growing WITH others.
Education helps people to envision the world we create for ourselves.
“I've learned that I still have a lot to learn.’ Maya Angelou.