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Deborah Lauder

For a number of years Deborah Lauder managed a busy department within a city centre Solicitors’ Office. As a result of her own daughter’s struggles dealing with mental health issues she transitioned into supporting young people in education For example, prior to going to university, her daughter Chinaiyah was one of the teachers and dancers with Jet Black Dance Academy. She also has a keen interest in supporting the elderly and assisted with her grandmother’s elderly church members care group especially during Covid. Chinaiyah also designed the initial publicity flyers for the Bookfair and Cultural Fest.

Overall, Deborah’s qualifications in mentoring, mediation and conflict resolution created the platform for her valuable work in various schools but more importantly with youth in the local community. She is now an established navigator working for the NHS with young people and families in Manchester struggling with neurodiverse conditions. She is a valuable asset to the community in that she is willing to go the extra mile to offer support. She has a passion to see young people aspire and succeed at being the very best in whatever they choose as their career path.

Deborah volunteers in many community projects but is often behind the scenes dealing with operational procedures, encouraging and supporting young people to sharpen their leadership skills. Her greatest desire is to see powerful community cohesion supporting and serving all community members to each one teach one. She hopes to see each one assisting another to the point of becoming a self-sufficient, strong entity that can rely on their own resources to power the engine of a driving force into academic, professional and creative success.

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