We are asking for your support to establish a much needed culturally appropriate mental health inpatient unit for Caribbean and African men and women.
“Everyone has the right to be treated with respect and dignity, without discrimination, and to access appropriate mental health and social care when it is needed. However, inequalities in mental health support, care and treatment are evident in the health and social care system” (documented report from the National Collaborating Centre for Mental Health 2019: Advancing Mental Health Equality).
In the light of the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been documented evidence that systemic racism contributed to the disproportionate COVID-19 death rate among BAME NHS staff and communities being affected and dying of Corona Virus. On top of this there was the brutal murder of George Floyd by white police officers in the USA. This has led to an increased awareness of mental health issues on many levels which highlights numerous failings in the systems worldwide.
It has been well established and documented for the last 40-50 years that Black Caribbean groups are estimated to be nearly seven times more likely than the White population to be at risk of Psychosis. Also, detention rates under the Mental Health Act during 2017/18 were four times higher for people in the ‘Black’ or ‘Black British’ group than those in the ‘White’ group. Furthermore, there is documented evidence of over-medication. There is also concern that, within the criminal justice system there are unmet mental health needs, particularly in the youth justice system.
There are huge deficits in culturally appropriate services and interventions in our current mental health hospitals here in the United Kingdom. As a consequence of the appalling historic and systemic racism a group of professionals have come together and launched an amazing project to establish a Community Mental Health Inpatient Unit for Caribbean and African people who are experiencing common or severe and enduring mental illness. The Unit will provide a range of culturally led, appropriate care and services, staffed by people who understand the needs of Caribbean and African community, whilst complementing existing services.
FikaWelie aims and objectives are primarily to help our Caribbean and African community achieve good quality mental health care. They will be offering a space for the people of the Caribbean and African community to receive mental health treatment to alleviate stress and reduce the ‘revolving door’ phenomena. Dr Lade Smith the Race Equality Lead at the Royal College of Psychiatrist in her recent blog of the 5th July 2020, stated that the new president, Dr Adrian James, of the Royal College of Psychiatrist has made combating racism and inequalities his top priority.
Your donations would be very much appreciated, please donate by using the link on FikaWelie's website. Your donations will help to alleviate some of the stresses on the NHS and reduce impact of racism and inequalities in service provisions.
If you have any questions or concerns in the meantime, please feel free to contact FikaWelie on the following email: fikawelie@yahoo.com Thank you in advance for your contribution and support.